Autor’s recipes / Candies

spicy sweets with cookies
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I love any spices or spiceries — they enrich with shades of different tastes and aromas. This dessert is prepared from cookies on shortcake dough and mass of boiled condensed milk. As well as a many others sweets, it is possible to add everything to your mind to this mixture. Nuts, candied fruits, berries, all on your preference. The classics of the genre — a walnut with raisins and whisky. According to this recipe the Soviet pie “Anthill”, but it is to your taste. The external layer of sweets can be also any: cocoa, grated chocolate, waffle crumbs, etc.

recipe of dough:

  • 200 grams of butter
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 50 grams of sour cream
  • 15 grams of baking powder
  • 400 grams of flour
  • nutmeg
  • cinnamon powder
  • pink peppercorns
  • a bag of vanillin (2 grams)

to do:

Mix softened butter (not melted, it should be simply soft, not frozen) with sugar in the mixer with attachment blade. Add egg into the blending mixture, then mix sour cream with baking powder. In 20 seconds as soon as it inflates, and add it also to the mixture. Sift flour through a sieve, add vanillin and spices: muscat, grated on a small grater, cinnamon powder and whole peppercorns (mix them together in a mortar). The ready mixture roll in balls and put in the freezer (it is necessary that they become hardened). Get it after 30 minutes (half an hour). Now grate it on a large grater, it is necessary to rub it on a baking sheet (a tray for baking). Bake it in such condition for about 10 minutes at 200 degrees. But all ovens are unique, so watch process, as usual.

the recipe of the cream:

  • 300 grams of boiled condensed milk
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 50 grams of usual condensed milk
  • 100 grams of walnut
  • 50 grams of raisins
  • 10 ml of whisky

to do:

While dough is baked, mix cream. Again the softened butter should be shaken up. Now take boiled condensed milk. This time the attachment “whisk” will be suitable. Though it is possible to cope without equipment, and simply to work properly by an usual whisk. Separately pour whisky in raisins, let it soaked. And it is necessary to roast walnut slightly or to bake it in order to clean from a peel. It is a good time to do it, when nuts are still hot, just from a frying pan or oven. It is necessary to put it into a thin waffle-cloth towel, to close as a bag and to shake properly. Then the peel will come off itself, and the clean fried nut should be chopped.

Dough has to be already prepared, let it cool down and crumb it in a container. Add nut to raisins with whisky and add it to the condensed cream. Now pour this mix in the container with crumbled cookies. Mix and divide into portion of 25 grams, put it in a refrigerator for half an hour (30 minutes). Then get it, roll into equal balls and cover with waffle crumbs, cocoa or chocolate. Store it in a refrigerator for about 3 weeks and don’t forget to enjoy…

bon appetit…


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