This is a classic preparation technology of protein mass for baking. Famous desserts of Soviet times were famous for cakes and pastries on this basis. Biscuit on the meringue with the addition of any nut is called «dokuaz.» Today, there are many interesting desserts too. A striking example is the «macaroon» with the addition of almond flour. And to this day, macaroons are very important, it is a flour of nut mixed with meringue …
- 200 grams of whites (egg)
- 400 grams of sugar
- 6 grams of oil dye
to do:
You may not need the dye — it depends on your preference. It is not affected on a taste, the meringue has a white color with caramel touch from the oven.
But you can add a food dye to give any desired shade. So, if you just add a sugar in the whipped whites, you will get a French meringue. And if a boiling syrup pour into the whisking protein – it will be an Italian meringue. But the next technology is best suited for baking…
Pour whites in the bowl from the mixer and cover it with sugar. Put in a water bath, so that the bowl did not touch the water. As the water warms up and will boil, whisk the mixture in a blender. When it will thicken and begin to foam heavily, just put on a mixer with a nozzle «blade».
Beat at maximum speed for several minutes to a thick state. Put on a baking sheet, smeared with butter. Usually use spicy nozzle «star» and is deposited through a culinary package. But it is up to you, the main thing it is to bake at 70-80 degrees no less than one and a half hours (90 minutes). To check any break meringues — if dried out from the inside, is ready.
bon appetite…